
Zensation Tea House is a passion project/labour of love/attempt at work-life balance and a hands-down refusal to give into The Man.

My name is Christina and I didn’t always run a serene and nostalgic little tea house.
In fact, this time last year I was working a decidedly grey office job as a “Marketing Associate” in a shall-not-be-named non-bank Foreign Exchange provider – you guys know who you are 😉 Thrilling stuff. Inspired even. Are you getting the sarcasm people?
It was my first ever Real Job at age 27. And I don’t really even know why I took it. I’m a freaking Arts graduate! I was into languages and history and had never dreamed of working in the Finance sector.

And so on it goes, 3 or so years of grey. Many shades of grey, fifty shades at least.
In that time lots of things can and do happen in the life of a 27 year old Sydney chick.
Le GFC, L’amour, Le finale, Le Vipassana, Le turned 30, Le quit the grey job in the grey building with the grey walls, and greyer outlook.

Day in day out working in a grey office job with nothing much to excite you beyond whatever bloody reality TV show is numbing your mind, and what you’re going to make for dinner does not a life make.
So you see, that’s why I simply had to get out of the rat race and into the tea game. For the dolla dolla billz y’all.

Zensation’s Tea Lady will endeavor to bring you some personal humour, inspired by a day in the life of a tea lady, featuring a mélange of characters that grace the tea house who may or may not be real or fictional and, who may or may not be heavily embellished, edited or conjured.
Throw in some cultural (music, art, design) bits and pieces, even some stuff about tea and you’ve got yourself a blog!

Enjoy with a grain of salt s’il vous plaît.